Is This a Die Off symptom of Candida I Am Having? A examine From a Primal Defense User
This is a demand connected to Primal Defense I have got in my inbox. Someone feels like she has the flu, sore throat/ears, and wee fever after the first few days she started using Primal Defense. She needs to know if this is die-off or just the flu she is experienced. She has only taken one capsule a day for 3 days. This is not very long, but she is in a severe case. She thinks it has taken away some of her gut pain.
According to what she explained there, I would say yes, it is certainly die off symptoms of candida. This is a very good sign that the Primal Defense is doing its job. Don't be concerned that you are doing something wrong, because this is the way it works. If you are having these kinds of symptoms with such a low dose, you are going to have to take it slow. Try taking digestive enzymes, for this will help with the die off. You might even have to stay in bed if it gets absolutely bad. Stay on the low dose until the symptoms ease up and slowly growth the dosage. This might take awhile, so don't get discouraged.
Ear Cancer Symptoms
I think the Flor-Essence is a great companion goods for Primal Defense. I have only recently tried the two in combination, taken at the same time on an empty stomach in the morning and again at night. I now think there is a synergy in the middle of the two. I have a friend who started out taking too many of the Primal Defense and it absolutely put her down. She is now scared of it because she has to work and can't feel the die off. This makes no sense to me because I would do anything important to rid my body of Candida.
I think you can assess this with cancer patients taking interferon, you don't feel bad because the Candida is there but because the immune theory is fighting to overcome it. My thoughts are with you, just remember no pain no gain and be glad that you have found a solution.
Ear Cancer Symptoms :Is This a Die Off symptom of Candida I Am Having? A examine From a Primal Defense User
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