
Miracles Do Happen - You Can Cure Yourself Of Cancer

Ear Cancer Symptoms :

My story is one of a woman who survived cancer with alternative cancer treatment. When I was diagnosed with cancer the second time, all the visions of pain, curative procedures, doctors, waiting rooms and horrible sickness revived in my mind. My eyes swelled with tears as I belief of the worst. How could all of this be happening to me again? I had been diagnosed with throat cancer two years earlier and treated with the normal cancer cures of chemotherapy and radiation. The cancer went into remission. With my immune principles down, I attracted an amoeba in my right eye causing blindness for approximately a year plus I had a heart assault and heart surgery. I survived all of these trials and was getting well again, or so I thought.

I started to work expertly again after illness upon illness. However, one day I felt pain in my throat shooting up to my right ear again. I knew the signs and went straight to the oncologist for cancer treatment. The speculate was that the newest cancer cures of Tomotherapy Radiation and Chemotherapy had not worked in my case. The doctors would treat the cancer again. However, this time the doctors prescribed what they termed as "salvage surgery." Just as the name might suggest, this surgery is very radical. The policy entails removing a part of the right jaw and the neck artery, a part of the tongue, a part of the throat, removing the artery from the right hand to replace the neck artery, removing a patch if skin from the left shoulder to use skin to make a flap for the newly patched artery, insert a tracheotomy, and place a stomach tube for nourishment.

Ear Cancer Symptoms

My face would have been deformed. My ability for speech would have changed and never be the same again. I would have lost my ability to swallow for a very long time, maybe forever, and I would be dependent on others to care for me. In my estimate, this was not a way I wanted to live the rest of my life; cancer or no cancer.

Ear Cancer Symptoms :Miracles Do Happen - You Can Cure Yourself Of Cancer

The first part of my journey was to get three expert opinions on fighting cancer from the top three surgeons in the world today. The three opinions came from:

1. University of Virginia curative town in Charlottesville, Virginia where I had been treated for the first cancer treatment.

2. Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California to their Top Oncology Center.

3. Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona to check out Trans Oral Micro Laser surgery for Throat Cancer. This is a fairly new policy done by only two illustrious doctors in the world; one of them is at Mayo Clinic.

All of the doctors were in agreement that surgery was the only explication for my cure for cancer. Their surgical procedures differed slightly, but all agreed that chemotherapy and radiation had not worked. None of the recommend surgical procedures were minimalistic. My life would have drastically changed. My face would have a piece missing and I would never be able to look in the mirror again without crying.

I had to find a "miracle cancer cure." This is where my journey to alternative cancer rehabilitation began. I read articles from doctors and cancer survivors alike where the body has predicted recuperative powers. I also read that "thoughts are things." I realized that I had belief myself into all of these illnesses. Straightforward logic would tell you "if I belief myself into all of these illnesses, then I can 'think' myself out of this 'dis-eased' state." I began to study and to crusade for a natural cancer cure. I also had to reach down inside my own being and analyze just what made me get cancer in the first place.

Another part of my journey was to begin to listen to my "inner self" and to be my own best friend. When you are faced with illness, and are busy going to doctors, you have very minuscule time to sit and ponder why you got the illness. And yet, this very performance is just as essential to your wellness as the rehabilitation you take; in fact, maybe more essential.

I came to the realization that "cancer was just the indication of illness of something much deeper." Our mind is in operate of both our conscious and subconscious actions. The brain runs the show. Have you ever questioned what your thoughts are giving "action signals" to your brain? What are we mental in order to get ourselves sick with something as serious as cancer?

After development the decision to "turn down recovery surgery" I knew I needed to take other path to wellness; this time, the path to alternative medicine. Alternative cancer rehabilitation is where my journey and where the story I have to tell others began. I have successfully cured myself of cancer, changed my life, and discovered why such a great division of citizen in the world today have cancer.

I have an predicted story to tell of how I cured my "self" of cancer. First of all, our food contribute is being manufactured in such a way that it is poisoning millions of citizen gently each day. There are very easy solutions to this problem. I followed a cancer diet cure which I have termed the "Anti-Cancer Diet" stressing strongly on cancer fighting foods. Being a epicurean and a "Foodie," I had to form recipes which were not only anti-cancer foods, but also taste and look wonderful. Secondly, we all have environmental choices. If you smoke or are in a smoke-filled environment, you need to stop. Reconsider the consequences seriously. But more leading than the others is "your mind." What is going on in your sub-conscious mind which enabled you to attract "dis-ease?" Thoughts are things, and you have attracted cancer to yourself. With some very Straightforward exercises and "thought-changing" concepts, your cancer can be cured as well as any other illness.

Your body has a very strong recuperative power. You can "Cure Your 'Self' of Cancer" just the way I did. Alternative cancer cures are proving to citizen there is other way to rid ourselves of this dreaded disease named cancer. A wholesome body, mind and spirit are potential even if you are deathly ill right at the moment. I am living proof to this fact. At a time when three of the top oncologists in the world today agreed that the only explication to my cancer prognosis was radical "salvage surgery" I looked cancer in the eye and beat it. You can do this as well. It takes courage to educate you about alternative cancer cures. I believe my journey can be a episode to others who are sick with cancer. Know that your cancer can be cured.

Copyright 2010 Carol E. Patterson. All possession Reserved.

Ear Cancer Symptoms :Miracles Do Happen - You Can Cure Yourself Of Cancer


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