
The Negative Side Effects of Wireless Technology and How to Minimize Troublesome Symptoms

Ear Cancer Symptoms :

Wireless technology is manufacture life increasingly convenient, but with all the upside, there is a downside that may be having a huge negative impact on your total quality of life.

Restless sleep, foggy brain, memory problems, moodiness and unexplained aches and pains are just a few symptoms that can found as the succeed of exposure to wireless technology. More and more studies are indicating that constant bombardment by the intense, high-frequency radio signals that are associated with WiFi and wireless devices might even be producing more serious consequences, such as cancer, autism, and immune ideas disorders. By taking the ten easy steps noted below, you can reduce your risk of harm from wireless radiations and minimize uncomfortable symptoms.

Ear Cancer Symptoms

  1. If you have wireless internet service, turn off the power to your router/modem boxes when your computer is not in use. Some routers are contained inside the modem. In other cases, the modem connects to a router and then those two units join together to your computer. Always turn off the power to the router before you go to bed. Just turning off your computer will not stop the high-frequency, wireless signals, which are being broadcast from an antenna inside or on top of the router box, not your computer.
  2. Cable clubs and even Dsl suppliers are now normally providing routers that turn the cable or Dsl signals to a high frequency radio signal, and then broadcast the signal from a small antenna inside the router box. The antenna broadcasts in all directions, with a typical broadcast radius of 100 to 500 feet or more from the antenna. Having a high frequency radio wave transmitter in your environment is like having a puny radio hub in your home or office. These aerial "wireless" signals can be picked up by any computer within standard range that has wireless capability. This local area wireless networking is called WiFi, which means "wireless fidelity". If a router is associated with your computer set-up, do not assume that just because your computer is plugged into a cable or a phone line, that you do not have wireless service. If you can entrance the internet from an additional one computer in your home that is not associated directly to a cable or Dsl line, your router is broadcasting a wireless signal. You will not be able to turn off the broadcast without turning off the power to the router or switching out the box to a type of router that does not have this wireless conversion capacity.
  3. On occasion, habitancy find that even with no wireless router, they are still picking up a wireless signal. If you have a neighbor with wireless service and you are within 300 feet of their router, their wireless signals may be broadcasting straight through your space. A clarification here could be ask the neighbor to turn off the power to their router before they go to bed, for your sake and theirs.
  4. Turn off your cellular telephone, iPhone and other wireless communication/multi-media devices, or set them to "Flight Mode", when not in use. As a normal rule, limit cell phone usage, especially lengthy calls. For lengthy calls, use a land line, or make any shorter calls instead, with break periods in-between. an additional one option is to use a headphone and move the telephone as far away from you as possible.
  5. Do not, under any circumstances, use the type of cellular phone that you attach to your ear.
  6. Do not think that by attaching a straightforward Emf protector tab (many varieties are sold these days) to your phone that you are certainly protected from the effects of high-frequency radiation from your phone. These so-called protection devices Do Not prevent high-frequency radiation from heating up your brain tissue and affecting you in other ways when you use your cell phone for an extended period. In the case of Bluetooth phones (like Blackberries) and headphones, you do not even need to make a call for the radiation succeed -- just having the phone turned on and in close presence will irradiate every cell in your body.
  7. Charge your cellular or cordless phone on its charging base, and then unplug the base unit until the next time you need to charge the phone.
  8. If you have wireless devices in your home or elsewhere, such as a wireless printer in your office, unplug these devices when not in use.
  9. Spend more time in natural settings like parks and forests, or even your own backyard - places where there are trees, flowers, and other plants. If you like gardening, do more of it. Getting close to the soil (repotting plants, digging or weeding garden beds, etc.) is especially beneficial.
  10. Increase your iodine intake. Iodine is a well-known remedy for radiation poisoning. I personally take a extra formulation called Atomidine, which was prescribed by Edgar Cayce in over 800 of his cases. You can buy this product online. Be cautious with iodine supplements, as iodine can build up in your ideas and cause a variety of problems. You should check with you physician prior to adding iodine to your health regime.

Ear Cancer Symptoms :The Negative Side Effects of Wireless Technology and How to Minimize Troublesome Symptoms

While the ideas noted above will not totally eliminate your exposure to wireless radiation, if you implement all these steps, you will greatly minimize your exposure and reduce the inherent of experiencing the associated side effects.

Ear Cancer Symptoms :The Negative Side Effects of Wireless Technology and How to Minimize Troublesome Symptoms


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